Daun wungu sudah lama di kenal untuk mengobati wasir atau ambeien. namun, khasiat lain yang dimiliki daun ini adalah :
Caranya : Daun Wungu segar sebanyak 7 lembar dicuci bersih. Tambahkan 2 gelas air bersih lalu direbus sampai airnya tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah disaring, minum sekaligus.
-)Melancarkan air seni
Caranya : Siapkan 2 genggam daun wungu (tigapermpat) adas pulowaras. Tumbuk sampai halus. Oleskan pada bagian perut sampai dibawah pusar seperti menggunakan perem.
Caranya : Siapkan 2 genggam daun wungu, tumbuk sampai halus. Oleskan pada bagian pesendian yang sakit. Lakukan hingga rasa sakit berkurang.
Wungu leaves have long known to treat hemorrhoids or piles. however, other properties owned by these leaves are:
-) Constipation
Here's how: Wungu fresh leaves of 7 sheets washed. Add 2 cups water and boil until the remaining 1 cup water. Once filtered, drinking well.
-) Smooth urine
Here's how: Prepare 2 handfuls of leaves wungu (tigapermpat) pulowaras fennel. Mash until smooth. Spread on the abdomen to below the navel like to use women.
-) Rheumatism / gout
Here's how: Prepare 2 handfuls of leaves wungu, mashed until smooth. Spread on the sick part pesendian. Do it until the pain decreases.
-) Boils
how: 2 prepared wungu leaves and coconut oil 1 tsp. Grease the surface of leaves with wungu with coconut oil, then grilled over a fire. In a warm, sticky on the affected part.
caranya : siapkan 2 lembar daun wungu dan minyak kelapa 1 sendok teh. Olesi permukaan daun wungu dengan dengan minyak kelapa, kemudian panggang di atas api. Dalam keadaan hangat, tempel pada bagian yang sakit.English
Wungu leaves have long known to treat hemorrhoids or piles. however, other properties owned by these leaves are:
-) Constipation
Here's how: Wungu fresh leaves of 7 sheets washed. Add 2 cups water and boil until the remaining 1 cup water. Once filtered, drinking well.
-) Smooth urine
Here's how: Prepare 2 handfuls of leaves wungu (tigapermpat) pulowaras fennel. Mash until smooth. Spread on the abdomen to below the navel like to use women.
-) Rheumatism / gout
Here's how: Prepare 2 handfuls of leaves wungu, mashed until smooth. Spread on the sick part pesendian. Do it until the pain decreases.
-) Boils
how: 2 prepared wungu leaves and coconut oil 1 tsp. Grease the surface of leaves with wungu with coconut oil, then grilled over a fire. In a warm, sticky on the affected part.